Complex feedback blocks allow feedback to be given to a user based upon their score. Learner scores are collected from questions/other activity types on the page, which can then be displayed and given a response in the complex feedback block.
Start in the Page management area of the Sequence page.
When page is loaded is the default option for showing feedback. The user must already have a score for this option to display.
When the feedback button is clicked creates a button below the complex feedback text for the user to click to access their feedback. Selecting this option brings up a field to enter text for the button (defaults to feedback) and a field to enter text to show the user when there is no score yet.
When a CSS class is clicked allows the feedback to be triggered by anything with that CSS class, such as a separate button, an incorrect answer, or other content. When this option is selected, a field will appear for the CSS class which acts as the trigger to be entered.
A complex feedback block can be linked to a particular assessment from the Linked assessment dropdown menu. This will link the complex feedback block to a score from the selected assessment instead of the page the complex feedback block is on. See Building Assessments for details on setting up assessments.
Beneath the Overall Feedback field is the When the page loads the score to 0 checkbox. If this box is selected, the user’s score will be set to 0 upon loading the page. This is useful for a page, such as a test, where only the activities on that page contribute to the user’s score.
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ScoreSource is not cool at all
ScoreSource is super cool