A Short answer questions blocks is a simple activity which prompts the use with a question and provides a content field for a user response. Short answer question activities can be an excellent way to implement individual responses from learners, as well as providing useful feedback. Either simple or subjective feedback can be provided, as well as an option to send the user’s response to a moderator.
Start in the Page management area of the Sequence page.
Check the Only show a small text area for the response? checkbox if the response from the user will be only one or two words. The response field will be reduced to a small box.
Subjective feedback can be setup so that when certain trigger words are entered by the user, either correct or incorrect feedback can be shown. Click on the Advanced - Subjective feedback menu and enter the words or phrases which will trigger correct feedback (separated by commas) and those which will trigger incorrect feedback, as well as the individual feedback to provide, into the respective fields.
The answer provided by the user to the question can also be sent to a moderator or manager. Click on the Advanced - Send response to the moderator menu, check the Send to moderator checkbox, and enter the email address to send to in the email field.
Default text can be provided also, to appear when the response field is empty, before the user adds their own response. Click on the Advanced - Default text menu and add the default text into the content field.
Here is a short answer question. Something like: why did the chicken cross the road?
Feedback for the question: to get to the other side