There are two sections of tabs which appear in the Page management section area of a page. The top level tabs, which include Content, Settings and History, appear on all pages. The page tabs underneath these contain different functionality options for the content of the page. Tabs such as Main are present on all page types, but other tabs are specific to certain page types and will not always be visible.
Main content area of the page. Most editing and content creation is done in this tab. Contains page tabs with various functionality options (explained below), the main content field, and more advanced options for customising the content of the page.
Contains page settings such as page type, page location and parent page (if any). Visibility options and user access options are also accessible from the Settings tab.
Contains revision history for each page tab section, and information on whether the latest page version is being viewed.
The Main tab is where the majority of content creating and editing is done. Usually includes Page name, Navigation label and URL fields as well as the main Content area. Options visible in the Main tab will vary depending on the page type.
need details
Create spaced learning activities in the form of email messages which can be sent to users, learners, managers or buddies. Spaced activities are triggered by javascript actions on the page. Visit Building spaced learning for more information on spaced learning activities.
LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) allows cross-functionality between different learning platforms to allow users to access Glasshouse from their LMS without requiring further authentication or user account creation. This tab is where credentials can be created that will be used in an LMS to allow an LTI authentication. See Setting up an LTI Integration for instructions on the process.
Set the status of the page to either Building or Build complete. In the Building stage, pages can be edited with a front end editor. Visiting Front end editing for more information on stages.
Mark pages or blocks as assessment items. Visit Building assessments for more information on assessment.
View, edit or create review items for the page. Review issues can also be created in the front end with annotator. Visit Reviewing and editing learning experiences for more information on reviews.
Create a SCORM package of the Glasshouse module which can be uploaded to an external LMS that supports SCORM 1.2.
Custome the SCORM package configurations before export. Checking the ‘resume’ feature will allow users in the external LMS to resume their learning from the last point they accessed it rather than start from the beginning.
Add page footer content into the Content for the footer field.
Edit visual options for the page, including page image (if the page is a child page, this image will appear above the page name in the child page panel on the parent page). Other customisations include an icon option, background image option, and a page specific header option.
Add and edit pop-ups to appear on the page. Visit Popups for more information on how to create and trigger popups.
Create and edit javascript actions, including labels, trigger events and actions, for the page. Visit … for more information on building javascript actions.
Link video files or images to be displayed on the webpage. Media added here will display above any content added in the Content area of the Main tab.
Add resources to display on a Collection page. Resources, topics and tags must be set up prior to being added to the collection page. Visit Content curation with Glasshouse for more information on Collections.
Customise the fields that appear on the Registration page, i.e. not showing the email field or requiring a phone number to be added.
If a trainer/buddy/coach needs to be allocated to a user, the labels used can be altered here (e.g. Trainer, Facilitator). The ‘Groups’ dropdown menu allows a certain user group (created in Security) to show as a list on the page.
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Specify what happens after the Submit button on the User-defined form page is clicked. Options include customising acknowledgement text, button text and authentication options.
Automated emails can be created and customised, including email content, recipient and subject. This automated email will be triggered by the user filling out and submitting the form.
All the forms submitted by a user on the User-defined form page can be viewed here. Form submissions can also be exported as CSV files from this tab.